Richard Sherman Reveals How He’s Changed Since Arrest

Richard Sherman has been through a lot over these past few months in light of his offseason arrest that went viral on social media. Sherman was seen pounding on the door of his in-laws’ house and he was eventually arrested for domestic violence. Eventually, Sherman was let go and he has been looking to make positive changes ever since that time. He has also been looking for a new gig in the NFL, and this week, he got just that as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers signed him to a one-year deal.

While speaking to ESPN about his new role, Sherman noted that he has been on quite the journey over the last few months and that he is eager to prove himself to everyone. Sherman sought numerous positive changes and he has even been going to therapy to fix some of the personal demons he was afflicted with.

Richard Sherman

Michael Reaves/Getty Images

“It led to some really positive changes — some help, some therapies, some tools that I didn’t have before — to address some things that you kind of let stack up in your mind,” he said. “You never have time to address them. It’s not the right moment. It’s not the right place in your life to deal with these emotions and feelings. It really forced me to step back and go ask for help and get the help I need and to not be afraid, to be proud to ask. In that, it’s been remarkable how many other people have said they had the same issue. Because you always feel like you’re alone. You always feel like you’re the only one dealing with this.”

The Buccaneers are looking like Super Bowl contenders this year, and with Sherman on the team, they will certainly have more depth on defense. Hopefully, this will be the new beginning Sherman needs as he looks to shake his past and continue on the straight and narrow.

Richard Sherman

Ralph Freso/Getty Images
