NBA YoungBoy Fans Want Joe Biden To Free Him In New Petition

NBA YoungBoy is one of the most beloved artists on the internet right now. If you were to go to Twitter right now, you would find hundreds and even thousands of Twitter accounts that are dedicated to YoungBoy. These accounts typically have photoshopped versions of the artist’s mugshot as their profile picture, and they are constantly commenting “YoungBoy better” under every tweet. 

This past Friday, YoungBoy dropped a brand new project called Sincerely, Kentrelland it is a project full of emotion that speaks on his current situation from jail. YoungBoy desperately wants his freedom back and his fans are on his side as they feel like the gun charges brought against him were simply unjust.

NBA YoungBoy

Paras Griffin/Getty Images

According to Rap TV on Instagram, YoungBoy fans are taking the situation into their own hands as they have started to circulate petitions on In the post below, one petition was actually directed at President Joe Biden, and so far, just about 15,000 people have signed it. Of course, these kinds of petitions rarely actually do anything, although there is no doubt that these efforts go to show just how popular YoungBoy is within his fanbase.

YoungBoy’s situation continues to be an unfortunate one, and for now, there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. Regardless, hopefully, he will feel better knowing there are plenty of fans out there who are down to ride for him.