Jamie Foxx Roots For Michael K. Williams’ Post Humorous Emmy Win: “We Need To Have That”

It’s been several weeks since the world said a tragic goodbye to actor Michael K. Williams, but the heartfelt tributes from his celebrity friends have still been pouring in. Most recently, Jamie Foxx shared some emotional words about what the pair’s friendship meant to him.

While he was out and about in Beverly Hills, Foxx was stopped by TMZ, who asked him if he feels that Williams should win a post humourous Emmy.

“Man, we talked about this before,” the Django Unchained star began. “There’s some people that you see in our business that you know are just better than you… I hope he’s recognized in the biggest way.”

“It’s so personal man, just a few weeks ago we were all breaking bread and talking about life. You don’t know how quickly things can change,” Foxx said with obvious emotion.

When asked what Williams being awarded an Emmy would mean, the 53-year-old responded with, “everything.”

“We need to have that because I just want as many people in the world to know that this man lived an artistic life that was above normal,” he added.

Foxx then goes on to compare his late friend to the likes of Hollywood greats like Samuel L. Jackson and Joe Morton.

TMZ reports that Williams was nominated as best supporting actor for his work on “Lovecraft Country,” and that he was considered a shoo-in for the award prior to his passing.

It’s been decided that if he wins, the actor’s nephew, Dominic Dupont, will be the one to accept the honour in his place.

Williams was just 54 when he was discovered dead in his New York apartment earlier this month. RIP.
