Iggy Azalea Advocates For Labels Keeping Psychologists On Call For Artists

Iggy Azalea called out major label executives in the music industry, Monday, advocating that at least one psychologist being hired at every label to help artists with their mental health. Azalea explained her idea in a series of tweets.

“I REALLY WISH record labels would all agree to make it mandatory to hire at least ONE psychologist per label,” she wrote. “Almost EVERY artist in recent times has expressed struggling with the level of hate & pressure. Sports teams do it for their athletes, why not music labels?”

Iggy Azalea, Mental Health
David Becker / Getty Images

Azalea also called out some of the top names in the industry.

“Also yes it may seem like ‘But there’s so many labels!’ There’s actually only about 4 guys running the entire music business so it would be pretty easy to hold them accountable and make them implement a change across their businesses,” she said.

As for who, explicitly, she wants to hold accountable, she names Lucian Grainge and Rob Stringer. Grainge works as the chairman and chief executive officer of Universal Music Group, while Stringer currently serves as the chairman of Sony Music Group and CEO of Sony Music Entertainment.

She continued: “Between these two guys that’s literally like 85% coverage across the labels. See what I’m saying? It’s not hard to actually do this. Why won’t they do it? But have like 20 deep teams of A&Rs that literally no one even wants in the studio.”

Check out Azalea’s tweets below.