Bill Maher Defends Matt Damon From “Woke Police” After Damon Admitted Recent Use Of “F-Slur”

Bill Maher defended Matt Damon for his use of a homophobic slur, blaming the outrage on “woke police” and “cancel culture.” Maher added that Damon is “one of the most likable guys in Hollywood.”

“Okay, he was late to the party,” Maher admitted on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher. “To which we could say, ‘Welcome, glad you could make it. Or we could say, ‘You came later than I did. Die,’”

“Really?” he continued. “He’s got a clean water charity and delivers food to Haiti. What have you done, Fox headline writer? And yet, he is always getting pulled over by the woke police.”

Bill Maher, Matt Damon
Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Maher’s segment comes after Damon admitted that he was using the derogatory term until “months ago,” after his daughter educated him on why it was damaging to say. He later apologized, explaining that he never directed the slur at anyone. 

“I have never called anyone f***** in my personal life and this conversation with my daughter was not a personal awakening,” he clarified after the fact. “I do not use slurs of any kind.”

Check out Maher’s monologue below.
