9 Suspects Charged For Gun Trafficking Weapons Used In Blixky Gang Videos

The Department of Justice has charged nine suspects for their alleged involvement in an interstate gun trafficking operation that included weapons used in Blixky Gang music videos.

A Georgia resident, DuVaughn Wilson, is accused of acting as a “straw purchaser” to purchase approximately 87 guns on behalf of his codefendants. The crimes allegedly occurred between August 2020 and April 2021.

DOJ, Blixky Gang
Scott Olson / Getty Images

“Today’s arrests shut down the alleged gun pipeline of these nine defendants,” U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Audrey Strauss said. “These arrests should also send a message to anyone who is thinking about illegally selling guns to New Yorkers or illegally bringing guns to New York: We and our law enforcement partners are watching. And we will prosecute gun traffickers to the fullest extent of the law.”

The full list of defendants included in the indictment shows, James Thomas (a.k.a. Spazz), Duvaughn Wilson (a.k.a. Dupree), Courtney Schloss (a.k.a. Bway/Balenci), Ken Alexander (a.k.a. Ryu), Argam Taj (a.k.a. Sour), Samuel Taj (a.k.a. Sosa), Christopher Machado (a.k.a. Chris Elite), Harlie Ramos (a.k.a. White Girl), and Jamel Thomas (a.k.a. Mel) have all been charged.

The indictment also cites the music video for “Word to Folk” as an example in which the guns can be seen.

Authorities say that three suspects remain at large.
