Kevin Durant’s Shoe Preference May Have Cost The Nets The Series

Last night, the Brooklyn Nets and Milwaukee Bucks gave us one of the greatest Game 7s of all time. The match ended up going to overtime and in the end, it was the Bucks who came out victorious. Neither team was able to jump out to big leads throughout the game and for the most part, it was a very evenly matched game. Despite the Nets having the lead in the dying minutes, it was the Bucks who were able to overcome and give their fans back home something to cheer about.

As you probably already know, Kevin Durant scored an incredible shot at the end of the game to tie things up and send it to overtime. Durant had thought he scored a three but instead, he scored a two as his foot was on the line. In light of this play, someone unearthed an interview from 2018 in which Durant claimed that he wore his shoes one size too big as a way to be more lightweight on the court. Simply put, had he worn his normal size, that shot sends the Bucks home.

This stunning revelation had Nets and NBA fans everywhere losing their collective minds, as the fact felt too weird to be true. After all, wearing shoes that are one size too big seems extremely cumbersome, especially when you are already as big as KD. Either way, fans on Twitter were quick to voice their displeasure.

Of course, this does not take away from the shot, as it was one of the most clutch moments in NBA history. Unfortunately for the Nets, it just didn’t go the way they were hoping it to.

Brooklyn Nets

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