YSL Young Thug RICO Trial: Georgia Supreme Court Declines Motion to Remove Judge


In the never-ending YSL Young Thug RICO trial in Atlanta, the Supreme Court of Georgia just dismissed Deamonte Kendrick’s emergency motion to disqualify Fulton County Chief Judge Ural Glanville from overseeing his case in the YSL RICO trial. What does that mean? The judge ain’t going anywhere. For now. Period.

Kendrick’s request stemmed from a meeting involving Judge Glanville, assistant district attorneys, a state’s witness, and the witness’s attorney. His attorneys learned about this meeting two days later, on June 10, and subsequently filed a motion to recuse Judge Glanville, arguing that the judge improperly denied the motion without referring it to another judge.

Get this, Kendrick’s attorney took an unconventional legal route, bypassing the typical appellate process and arguing that the case would ultimately return to Judge Glanville. The motion also sought an unredacted transcript of the meeting.

From the Supreme Court’s perspective, they highlighted its policy of using original jurisdiction only in exceptional cases, noting that Kendrick had not pursued standard legal remedies, such as filing a standalone mandamus petition in the superior court. 

The court clarified that if such a petition were filed, Chief Judge Glanville would automatically be disqualified from presiding over it, and another judge would be assigned to the matter. Consequently, Kendrick’s emergency petition for a writ of mandamus and a stay of proceedings was dismissed.
And the show goes on.

The post YSL Young Thug RICO Trial: Georgia Supreme Court Declines Motion to Remove Judge first appeared on The Source.

The post YSL Young Thug RICO Trial: Georgia Supreme Court Declines Motion to Remove Judge appeared first on The Source.