Malik Beasley Speaks Candidly In Open Letter From Prison

Minnesota Timberwolves star Malik Beasley is currently in the midst of serving a 120-day prison sentence after being charged with felony threats of violence and felony drug possession following an incident that occurred back in 2020. The prison sentence began on June 1st which means Beasley has been in prison for about 11 days now. During this time, he has been doing a ton of reflection about the last year and some of his actions that have transpired.

There is no doubt that Beasley is a solid basketball player, however, his off-the-court exploits ended up taking away from the great season he just had with the Timberwolves. Beasley is well-aware of these mistakes, and recently, he took to social media with a letter about what he’s been through and how he plans to change.

Malik beasley

Harrison Barden/Getty Images

Per Beasley:

“Dear family, friends and fans,

“What’s up guys, just wanted to say a few words. I’m doing better. I’m closer to God, closer to my family, and most importantly finding myself. Not sleeping at home has been tough but it’s only temporary. I’m still working hard everyday on and off the court to be the best version of me. I want people to learn from me, because it’s going to be one helluva story. This last year is just a chapter, and I hope you stayed tuned until the end. 30 for 30 get the crew ready lol.

“I’m reachable if you hit my business partner Christian Dawkins, or if you really want to reach me. Send a letter or book to Wright County J, under my name. I’ll do my best to respond to everyone. I’m not looking for sympathy or anything like that, just to understand I could easily fold and I won’t. For those who care, I love y’all and will return the favor I promise. Just be patient. Sending love & peace to everyone. Have a blessed weekend. <3 – MB5.”

It’s clear that Beasley feels a lot of remorse for what has gone down, and writing these feelings out displays a ton of growth and even courage. Hopefully, he can come back from this experience stronger than ever.