Jaden To Open Restaurant To Give Free Food To The Homeless

His “I Love You Restaurant” brand has been touching the lives of the homeless community in Los Angeles and beyond for years, and it’s reported that Jaden Smith is looking to expand. We previously reported on the efforts of the I Love You food truck taking to L.A.’s downtown Skid Row community by handing out free food to those living on the street. What makes Jaden’s initiative different from others that have similar goals is that the young star delivers healthy, vegan options and now, Variety reports that he’s planning on creating an I Love You Restaurant indoor space, as well.

It’s for homeless people to get free food,” said Jaden. Just in case there are people looking to take advantage by visiting the restaurant without actually being a homeless person, Jaden revealed his plan. “But if you’re not homeless, not only do you have to pay, but you have to pay for more than the food’s worth so that you can pay for the person behind you.” He didn’t seem to include how scammers would be monitored.

This isn’t the only initiative that Jaden has that works with the disenfranchised. His Water Box project installed machines that delivered clean water to marginalized communities including Flint, Michigan. The city went years without a clean water source to residents of a majority Black community. Last month, Jaden also revealed his eco-friendly shoe with New Balance.

Check out a few videos and images from I Love You below.
