50 Cent Announces He’s Moved To Houston

50 Cent has officially packed his bags and moved from New York to Houston. The rap legend/television producer announced the move on social media, telling fans that he’ll miss the Big Apple but that he’ll explain his move at a later date.

“I Love NY, but i live in Houston now i’ll explain later,” he wrote as his caption on Instagram, posing with a Houston Astros cap on his head. 

Scott Halleran/Getty Images

Back in March, Fiddy expressed an interest in moving to Texas, supporting Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to lift the mask mandate and opening businesses fully. “I’m headed to Texas f*ck this,” he said. It turns out that he was completely serious because, just a few months later and he’s calling Houston his home. 

In the midst of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, Fif also claimed that he would leave the country if Joe Biden was elected. Clearly, he’s changed his mind on that. The reasoning for his would-be departure from the country was based on Biden’s proposed tax plan, which raised rates for the ultra-wealthy. “WHAT THE F*CK! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT,” he wrote in October.

Are you surprised that 50 Cent was serious about moving to Texas? Check out his latest post below and be on the lookout for him on your next trip to Houston.