50 Cent Reacts To Hilarious Houston “Tour” Memes

Though 50 Cent has long enjoyed his reign as one of the many viable King Of New York contenders, all dynasties must indeed come to an end. Following the news that his new show Confessions Of A Crime Queen had been greenlit at Discovery Plus, Fif opted to pack his bags and move to Houston, wasting little time in immersing himself in the culture — so much so that he recently won the 2021 Rodeo Uncorked International Wine Competition, becoming the Reserve Grand Champion thanks to Le Chemin Du Roi.

Even Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner took to Instagram to welcome Fif to the city, sharing a picture of themselves connecting at a Christmas-themed event. “It is great to hear that you have chosen our city as your new home,” captions Turner. “Welcome to the most diverse city in the nation.” 

It would appear that Mayor Turner isn’t the only one embracing Fif’s move to Houston. Residents of the city have taken to Photoshop to celebrate the rapper’s arrival, turning him into a veritable Carmen Sandiego through geographical displays of meme ingenuity. Before long, 50 found himself whisked away to a variety of Houston landmarks, braving land, sea, and derriere without batting an eye. “Houston’s showing me a lot of love LOL,” captions 50, sharing a few of his favorite memes on his Instagram page.

Check them out for yourself below, and don’t be surprised to see 50 embracing his newfound status as a Houston resident for the foreseeable future.