50 Cent Reacts To BET’s Debra Lee Admitting To Affair Network’s Founder: “Must Got That WAP”

Once again, 50 Cent doesn’t miss a viral moment. The hitmaker is known for trolling his fellow celebrities when questionable news floats about, and this time, he’s aiming at Debra Lee. BET’s former CEO has penned an autobiography, I Am Debra Lee, and in it, she admits to having an affair with the network’s founder, Bob Johnson. Both parties were married at the time. However, Lee also stated that once she wanted to break things off, Johnson held it over her head and often threatened to fire her.

Fif caught wind of the news and reshared screenshots of articles to his Instagram page. “You would not believe what goes on behind the scenes,” he wrote in the caption of one post. Another mentioned that Lee “went from a legal clerk to the head of the BET empire.” 50 Cent added, “Wow Deb must got that WAP😆,He gave her the whole sh*t, here you run it bae ! LOL.”

Debra Lee Accuses Bob Johnson Of Harassment

This week, Lee caught up with Good Morning America to detail her past relationship with Johnson. “I wanted to tell that story because power dynamics are so important in a relationship, especially if you’re having a relationship with someone you work for,” she said. “We all know the potential pitfalls. I worked for Bob Johnson for ten years before we had a personal, romantic relationship. He was a mentor, and he pushed me, and he was responsible for a lot of my success. We did have a relationship while we were both married, we ended up both divorced, and then people knew about the relationship. The company knew. We started going places together.”

“The downfall of a relationship like that is if you want to get out of it, and that’s a part where it came, and I wanted to break up,” she further shared. “I saw it wasn’t a long-term relationship, and my job and my career were held over my head. It was like, ‘Well, if you want to break up with me, then you can leave tomorrow.’ And that was 20 years into my career at BET, so I would have lost everything.”

A Controversial History

In an interview with The Washington Post, Lee explained how the Me Too movement helped her reassess her experience. “That’s very much sexual harassment, but it’s a different kind of sexual harassment,” she said. “I wanted young women to know that if you’re in a relationship that’s uneven in terms of the power structure, that it can turn abusive.”
