Earlier this week, Chicago rapper G Herbo took to Instagram to show off his singing chops. While in a car, Herbo belted out a rendition of “Superstar” from Usher‘s 2004 album, Confessions.
After singing a few notes, Herbo turns around, telling the other passengers in the car, “That was decent wasn’t it, though? That was decent. That boy good!”
While he seems lighthearted in the video, the video is captioned with text reading “@usher can’t f*ck wit me on my worse day.”
It didn’t take long for Usher to catch wind of the video. He commented on the clip, which was originally posted on Herbo’s Instagram Story, and later shared by The Shade Room, with a simple emoji of a blue cap, indicating that he doesn’t believe Herbo’s post.
Though it seems like both parties were simply engaging in playful banter, Usher is not one to take these challenges sitting down.
Back in April 2020, Usher took to Instagram to sing a few bars of the chorus of his song “Climax,” after The Weeknd claimed in an interview that the song was inspired by the sounds of his 2011 debut mixtape, House Of Balloons. This then inspired fans to submit clips of themselves also singing “Climax,” with the hashtag #ClimaxChallenge. Perhaps a “Superstar” challenge may be underway soon.