Trump Says He Won’t Drop Out 2024 Race if Indicted: ‘I Am Your Warrior, I Am Your Retribution’

Trump Says He Won’t Drop Out 2024 Race if Indicted

Former president Donald Trump was on hand at the Conservative Political Action Conference and was laying more ground for his 2024 campaign. Trump revealed to the crowd that any potential criminal investigations would not shut down his campaign.

“I wouldn’t even think about leaving,” Trump said about a possible indictment.

According to ABC News, he added, “Probably it will enhance my numbers.”

Trump is still being investigated for his handling of government documents and his role in the Jan. 6 capitol riots. Insider notes a special grand jury in Georgia is preparing multiple indictment recommendations for individuals who interfered with the 2020 election. Trump is rumored to be a possible name.

Still, Trump sees his coming campaign as a triumphant moment for his base.

“Today, I add, I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” he said.

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