Tierra Whack Tests The Waters Once Again With Her Latest EP “R&B?”

Ever since her she captured everyone’s attention on Whack World in 2018, Tierra Whack has mastered the art of giving her fans just enough music to hold them over until her next album. However, in one of the most unexpected moves of 2021, the “Peppers and Onions” and “feel good” artist delivered two back-to-back EPs at the start of December, titled RAP? and POP?.

For the third week straight, Tierra Whack is back with yet another brief genre case study, and for the latest EP — titled R&B? — the Philadelphia-bred artist slows things down for a somber and melodic effort that explores topics such as death and heartbreak. The Grammy-nominated multihyphenate‘s new three-track project boasts emotive production from Whack’s close collaborator J Melodic, and as with any Tierra Whack release, R&B? arrives alongside a poignant music video for the EP’s opening track “Heaven.”

When speaking with Zane Lowe for Apple Music 1, she said the following:

It’s Whack History Month. Any month I’m dropping back-to-back, it’s Whack History Month, so that’s what we’re doing. we’re just always experimenting and creating in the studio, and it was just one of those things where we had so much music but just all different genres. And we’re just like, “You know what?” And then we would be in the studio sometimes debating on, “Okay, this feels like rap, but then really, it’s pop. And then this feels like R&B, but really, it’s gospel; or really, it’s gospel, but it feels like… “So we’re letting the fans decide. We’re letting the fans, the supporters, put rap question mark, pop question mark. Is it really? And I started by saying, when I was younger, I would have people tell me, “Yo, you got to stick to one thing, one style.”But it’s like, if this is all in me, I’m an artist. I should be able to express, you know?So, yeah, we’re just doing us. I’m giving you everything. I’m not holding back.

We’ll all have to wait to see if Tierra Whack has any more releases coming in the near future, but for now, take a somber ten-minute journey with the unstoppable creative force by listening to her R&B? EP below. Let us know in the comments how it stacks up against its two predecessors.


1. Heaven
2. Cutting Onions
3. Sorry