Years after the release of the 2022 Whitney Houston biopic, Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Sony Music Entertainment has sued the film’s producers for allegedly failing to pay still for using Houston’s music, according to Rolling Stone.
Specifically, Sony has filed a lawsuit against Anthem Films, Nybo Productions, and Black Label Media, claiming that payments for including Houston’s catalog in the movie should have been paid by July 2023. The publication noted that the exact amount owed is unknown.
“As a result of Anthem’s failures, Defendants’ use of the SME Recordings in the Film has been unauthorized, and Defendants have had no legal right to use the SME Recordings,” Sony’s claim said. “Despite being given notice of their infringing conduct, Defendants have continued to distribute and otherwise exploit the SME Recordings in connection with the Film without authorization.”
“Defendants’ conduct has caused and continues to cause substantial and irreparable harm to Plaintiffs and the estate of Whitney Houston while enriching Defendants at the expense of Plaintiffs and the estate of Whitney Houston,” it added.
The producers are now being accused of “direct copyright infringement” and “vicarious copyright infringement,” but both parties did not return Rolling Stone‘s request for comment on the lawsuit matter.