Stephen A. Smith Reveals If LeBron Can Become The GOAT

Over the years, Stephen A. has given his opinion on a whole plethora of topics from around the basketball world. Overall, he knows what he is talking about, even if some fans disagree. Throughout his career, he has been able to talk a whole lot about none other than LeBron James. James is about to hit a huge career milestone, which has ultimately turned him into one of the biggest stories in the sport. Consequently, men like Stephen A. have had to give their opinions on where James ranks amongst the all-time NBA greats.

When you reach a milestone like the all-time scoring record, people are going to herald you. For years, James has been considered a top-two player in NBA history. However, Michael Jordan has continued to stand in his way of NBA supremacy. Even with the scoring title at his fingertips, LeBron is still being seen as second-fiddle to Jordan. While some fans believe this is unfair, others think this is how it should be. After all, Jordan has six titles to his name while LeBron only has four.

Stephen A. Weighs In

On First Take today, Stephen A. was asked whether or not LeBron can do anything to get back into the GOAT conversation. Subsequently, Smith was very firm with his answer. Simply put, he believes that no matter what, Jordan will be the greatest ever. Although, Stephen A. did make sure to note that LeBron is firmly the second-greatest to ever play the sport. Considering how many people have stepped on an NBA court, this is still an amazing honor. However, we’re sure Bron would prefer to be recognized as the best.

In regards to the scoring record, it would appear as though James will be setting the new bar as of next week. This will likely take place on Thursday, against the Milwaukee Bucks. Although, it will be completely up to LeBron’s performances as to whether or not he manages to do it faster. No matter what, this will be one of James’ most impressive records yet. Let us know if you think James can ever be the GOAT, in the comments down below.
