Stephen A. Smith Reveals He Has Personal Issues With Kyrie Irving

If you have ever seen Stephen A. Smith do his thing on First Take, you have probably seen him get into an argument about Kyrie Irving. Overall, Smith is very harsh on Kyrie and he can be unrelenting. Consequently, fans have admonished Smith for this. They don’t like it when he goes hard on Kyrie as they feel as though he doesn’t do the same thing against white athletes or figureheads. For instance, he barely had anything to say about the Jerry Jones controversy. Of course, this was the picture in which Jerry Jones was on the evil side of a segregation protest.

Recently, Jay Williams accused Stephen A. of being personal with Kyrie. Smith was very angry about this and made it known on First Take. Subsequently, Smith got to talk about this interaction during an episode of The Mike Missanelli Podcast. As you will hear below, he was, indeed, angry with Jay Williams. However, Smith also admitted that at the end of the day, things are personal between him and Kyrie. Although, we still do not know the exact reason why this is the case.

Stephen A. Vs. Kyrie

“Now Kyrie and I have our differences on a personal level, which is none of anybody’s business and I’ll never tell why,” Smith said. “He knows why. And his daddy knows why. They know how I feel about how they’ve acted towards me and they know how I feel about them and I know how they feel about me. But I can say that to anybody out there because I know that that does not interfere with my reporting on him and my perspective based off of the facts.”

Overall, this is an admission that is going to raise quite a few eyebrows. Ultimately, people want to know what Kyrie may have done to Stephen A. There are plenty of theories out there, although there is no telling what the truth is. For now, it seems clear that Smith is keeping this all to himself. However, if Kyrie says anything else about Stephen A., then we could see this entire saga unravel. Let us know what you think of all this, in the comments below.
