Stephen A. Smith Delivers Harsh Words To Kevin Durant

Stephen A. Smith has been a staunch critic of Kevin Durant over the past few years. With that being said, there is a lot to critique KD over. This is especially true when you consider how KD tried to hold the Nets hostage this past summer. Durant requested a trade from the team that never actually came to fruition. He lost his battle with team owner Joe Tsai, and Smith has had a lot of fun with his criticisms of the situation.

Durant got to speak on Monday during the Nets’ media day. KD was asked plenty of questions about his commitment to the Nets, especially in light of his previous trade request. Durant was quite defensive when answering the question, and he even claimed that his play on the court speaks for itself and that his commitment cannot be questioned.

Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

Stephen A. certainly doesn’t see it that way, and he let his feelings be known during yesterday’s episode of First Take. As you can see in the clip down below, Smith accused KD of wanting to run from the grind, while also saying that this is KD’s team and it is his responsibility to make it work.

“Essentially you were ready to cut and run. That’s your team. … When your that dude and you don’t like the way things are, you’ve got some influence to change it!” Smith said.

Let us know what you think of Smith’s take, in the comments section down below.