Russell Westbrook Hit With Harsh Reality Check

Russell Westbrook used to be one of the best point guards in the entire NBA. However, in recent years, Westbrook has seen a bit of a regression. Overall, fans do not believe in him the way they once did. It is a sad reality, albeit one that he must deal with moving forward. Even amongst actual NBA teams, there is this certain narrative surrounding Russ. No matter what he does, people are going to put him under the microscope, and that will not be changing.

Right now, Russ is dealing with the fallout from a trade involving the Utah Jazz and Los Angeles Lakers. Subsequently, Russ is on the Jazz who have made it clear that they want to buy out his contract. This is a stressful time for the former Laker, who must now decide whom he wants to play for. For now, it seems like three teams re in the running for Westbrook. This includes the Los Angeles Clippers, Miami Heat, and Chicago Bulls. However, there are no guarantees that any of these teams end up taking him.

Russell Westbrook Moving Forward

While speaking on Fan Duel TV today, Shams Charania had some interesting comments about Russ. Unfortunately, they come across as a bit of a harsh reality check that will make Westbrook feel bad. “When you look at teams around the league, there’s not a spot for Russell Westbrook,” Charania said. “It’s a slow-moving market, and we’ll see if he’ll be able to find a home.” For now, one would have to assume that Russ will find a team before the postseason. After all, he is absolutely still a serviceable player, regardless of the narratives out there right now.

No matter what, this is going to be a very interesting situation to monitor over the coming months. Hopefully, for Russ, he is able to go out there and change how people feel about him. Until then, let us know which team you would want Russell Westbrook to play for, in the comments down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the sports world.
