Los Angeles Lakers to Unveil Kobe Bryant’s Statue Ahead of Feb. 8 Home Game

Lakers to Unveil Kobe Bryant Statue on 2 8 24 NBA com

The Los Angeles Lakers have announced the unveiling of a bronze statue honoring Kobe Bryant in the Star Plaza outside of Crypto.com arena on Feb 8. The Lakers will take on the NBA-champion Denver Nuggets that night on TNT.

“As you know, Kobe played his entire 20-year NBA career as a Los Angeles Laker,” said Vanessa Bryant in a video to fans posted at 8:24 this morning. “Since arriving in this city and joining the Lakers organization, he felt at home here, playing in the City of Angels. On behalf of the Lakers, my daughters and me, I am so honored that, right in the center of Los Angeles, in front of the place known as the house that Kobe built, we are going to unveil his statue so that his legacy can be celebrated forever.”

Vanessa Bryant addressed the public in a video message that was broadcast to YouTube at 8:24 this morning. “As you know, Kobe played his entire 20-year NBA career as a Los Angeles Laker,” she stated. He felt at home playing in the City of Angels ever since moving here and joined the Lakers franchise. I am extremely thrilled that we will unveil Kobe’s statue in front of the location known as the house he constructed in the heart of Los Angeles so that his legacy can be permanently recognized on behalf of the Lakers, my children, and myself.

“Kobe Bryant was one of the most extraordinary athletes of all time, and one of the most iconic individuals in the history of Los Angeles,” said Jeanie Buss, Los Angeles Lakers Governor. “There is no better place for Kobe to be honored with a statue than here, at the center of our city, where everyone can celebrate him and be inspired by his incredible achievements.”

“Kobe’s transcendent spirit is always and forever in our hearts – inspiring us every day,” said Rob Pelinka, Los Angeles Lakers Vice President of Basketball Operations and General Manager. “And now, with the unveiling of this powerful and beautiful statue, he will have a physical presence, too. A place on the hallowed ground Kobe created, where we can all gather and pay honor to a mighty and great man.”

The post Los Angeles Lakers to Unveil Kobe Bryant’s Statue Ahead of Feb. 8 Home Game first appeared on The Source.

The post Los Angeles Lakers to Unveil Kobe Bryant’s Statue Ahead of Feb. 8 Home Game appeared first on The Source.