Logic Calls Kanye West A “F***ing Moron” In New Vlog

Logic is an artist who is no stranger to being criticized on the internet. Overall, there have been moments in his career that have left people cringing. However, the artist has always taken it in stride. Although, there are certainly times when he has tried to clap back at people, only to have it backfire. Now, Logic takes a much different approach to the internet. As detailed in a new vlog called “How I learned I can’t control the internet,” the artist explains his new mindset.

At one point in the video, the rapper reveals how he only gets richer when people talk about him. Moreover, he even brings Kanye West into the fold, as he speaks on the fact that he has never worn a “White Lives Matter” shirt. Needless to say, it is obvious who Logic is talking about. “It’s kinda dope to realize the more people talking about me, positive or negative, makes me more rich,” Logic began. “Only I’m not like evil, so I’m not out here spewing bullshit out of my mouth or wearing White Lives Matter t-shirts or some dumb shit like that. Fucking moron.”

Logic Speaks On Kanye West

The artist then goes on to clarify his comments, noting that he loves Kanye and is still a fan. Additionally, if he were to meet the artist today, they would simply have a nice conversation, and that would be that. “Love Kanye by the way, [just a] stupid fucking idea,” he said. “Let me preface that. I love Kanye West I think he’s a genius I wouldn’t be here without him. I can have a fucking opinion, and as long as my opinion is respectful and from the heart then it is what it is.” Although Logic would have stayed quiet in the past in order to secure a Kanye verse, he no longer goes by that philosophy.

Following his return to the game from a brief retirement, Logic has certainly gone through a spiritual shift. Moreover, he seems to be making the music he wants, which has led to a better product. Hopefully, he continues down this journey, which seems to have been quite freeing for him. Let us know what you think of his comments, down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news from the music world.