Lizzo, Live Nation, Beauty, And Fashion Companies Are Stepping Up And Taking Action Against Ruling To Overturn Roe v. Wade


Companies are taking a Stance by Supporting The Fight for Abortion Rights, following the Supreme Court’s announcement on June 24th to overturn Roe Vs. Wade, after being in law for nearly 50 years. Many brands took to social media to voice their outrage and show their support for reproductive rights.  But these entertainers and companies who are not being driven by feminist ideology, or their beliefs are taking a stance addressing women’s health needs, in the form of guaranteeing to pay for employee travel to states that allow abortion. 

Lizzo and Live Nation Donating $1M

Lizzo donated $500 from her upcoming tour ‘The Special Tour” to Planned Parenthood.  Live Nation will match her contribution to make it $1M

Beauty companies like Ulta and Estee Lauder have extended their medical Plan to provide assistance for employees that need to travel to other states for abortions.  Helping employees with abortion access

The online retailer Amazon will reimburse employees up to $4,000 a year for medical treatments like abortions. But only if care isn’t accessible within 100 miles of an employee’s home. Corporate, warehouse and dependents enrolled in the company’s health care plans are eligible

Apple will cover “travel out-of-state for medical care if it is unavailable in their home state.” That includes abortions. 

After the Supreme Court ruling, Disney said it would cover employee travel expenses for workers who can’t access care where they live. Worth noting that Disney employs about 80,000 people in Florida — where abortion rights are restricted.

Nike said it supports its teammates’ family-planning journeys — from contraception to abortion. And will cover its employees’ travel and lodging expenses in situations where health care services aren’t readily available. 
If you are not sure if your State’s laws on abortion restrictions HERE Is a State By State Guide.

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