LeBron James Honored By Drake, Rihanna, Kendrick Lamar, & More

LeBron James has been having a difficult year with the Los Angeles Lakers. This is mainly because the team around him isn’t very good. While he does have some stars to work with, they don’t have very much synergy. Overall, they are now 25-30, which puts them 13th in the Western Conference. However, they are a long winning streak away from putting themselves comfortably into the postseason. For James, the one silver lining is that he has been very close to surpassing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s longstanding scoring record.

On Tuesday night, James and the Lakers took on the Oklahoma City Thunder at home. With 36 points to go, many felt like LeBron would just wait until Thursday to break the record. Although, it is clear that the legend had much different plans. Throughout the first half of the game, James could be seen heating up, and his rise as the league’s all-time scorer became inevitable. Subsequently, James had a massive third quarter where he scored the 16 points necessary to break the record. All-in-all, it was a truly amazing moment that had fans on their feet.

LeBron Gets His Flowers

Following the record, LeBron received a special message from a whole plethora of famous artists and athletes. As you can see in the clip above, James got praise from the likes of Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Rihanna, Shaq, Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Carmelo Anthony, and even his mother Gloria. Overall, it was a truly touching and heartfelt moment as each person congratulated LeBron on his achievement. After 20 years in the NBA, James has attained what many felt was impossible. Moreover, James has at least two more years to go, which means he is only going to increase his points tally. Consequently, this will make his record that much harder to break.

At this point, you cannot deny just how much of a legend LeBron is. He deserves this record, and we hope that people will begin to give James his flowers. He has been hit with some ridiculous slander over the years, and it is about time he gets his full respect. Let us know what you thought about his record, in the comments section down below.

The Special Moment
