Kyle Kuzma Claps Back At Spencer Dinwiddie In Twitter Thread

Kyle Kuzma didn’t take long to answer Spencer Dinwiddie’s comments from Wednesday morning. Dinwiddie was a guest on FanDuel Tv and, during his appearance, had plenty to say about his former teammate. The Nets guard claims he doesn’t think that Kuzma is intensely focused on his playing career. But rather enjoys the spoils of his off-the-court life. Kuzma and Dinwiddie spent time in Washington together. But their beef has been no secret to the NBA Twitter world.

Kuzma was quick in his response to Dinwiddie’s appearances. Including a thread on Twitter to explain his relationship with Dinwiddie. Kuzma started his Twitter thread by saying, “Ok so since I’m so “famous”@FanDuelTV & @SDinwiddie_25 let me give you all some clout. I’m usually unbothered but things on the internet but I will not allow this delusional guy to continue to talk about my teammates and I.” From there, Kuzma went all in.

Kyle Kuzma’s Epic Response To Spencer Dinwiddie

Kuzma attacks Dinwiddie personally and professionally in his Twitter thread. Including giving the Brooklyn guard an unflattering nickname. Kuzma flamed Dinwiddie for his praise of the Nets making the playoffs. Dinwiddie spoke about how his team is a playoff team, while Kuzma and the Wizards will not be participating. Kuzma said that Dinwiddie should thank former Nets stars Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving for their contributions prior to being traded. As Kuzma mentioned, the Nets do have a losing record since dealing both Durant and Irving. But the Nets can still claim they belonged in the playoffs this season.

The beef between Kyle Kuzma and Spencer Dinwiddie looks to be far from over. Kuzma’s response to Dinwiddie is for sure going to stoke the flames of their beef. Dinwiddie’s comments have seemed to bring it all out of Kuzma. However, maybe Dinwiddie should begin putting his focus on the playoffs. But a little beef never really hurt anyone. So, who has won the latest round between Kuzma and Dinwiddie? Please tell us your thoughts on the beef and what side you stand on. For the latest NBA news, keep it right here at HNHH.