Khloe Kardashian Looks Forward To 40s After “Worst Decade Ever”

Over the weekend Khloe Kardashian celebrated her 39th birthday. To celebrate she was flooded with well wishes and gifts from fans and fellow celebs alike. According to Daily Mail, Khloe posted a video to her Instagram story showing off a card she received for her birthday. “cannot wait to be in my 40s” the reality TV star says. “I hate being in my 30s. I think it’s the worst decade ever.” While Khloe Kardashian may not have loved her 30s, she certainly gave fans a lot of drama to pour over during that time.

Recently most of that discussion has revolved around her newest child. Khloe Kardashian had her second child with NBA player Tristan Thompson. Tatum Thompson is what he’s known by publicly but that wasn’t always his name. Last month TMZ reported that Khloe originally insisted she passes her name down to Tatum. While she never elaborated publicly on the story eventually she must have changed her mind.

Khloe Kardashian Mourns Her 30s

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have also been subject to plenty of rumors about their relationship. Though they’ve weathered many scandals in the past it seems the couple are permanently separate now. Back in May reports from both sides concluded that the couple are “not back together.” Despite that, they continue to praise each other as co-parents to their children.

A few months ago Khloe Kardashian elaborated on her feelings about using a surrogate mother. In an episode of The Kardashians where she discussed the surrogate process at length, she told viewers that it felt “transactional.” “I felt really guilty that this woman just had my baby and I take the baby and I go in another room and we are sort of separated,” Khloe said. She clarified that she doesn’t think surrogacy is a bad option, just a different one. Fans were able to read between the lines though and gauge how uncomfortable the process made her. What do you think of Khloe Kardashian’s birthday message to fans? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Khloé Kardashian Shuts Down Speculation About Reunion With Tristan Thompson


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