Ketanji Brown Jackson To Be Sworn in As First Black Woman on The Supreme Court

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Ketanji Brown Jackson will be sworn in today as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, making history as the first Black woman on the nation’s top judicial seat. The honorable Brown-Jackson is joining the seat at a time when its conservative majority has been flexing their muscles and showing the world how they really feel with controversial rulings that include overturning Roe vs. Wade and the case of Kennedy V. Bremerton School District where the court ruled 6-3 states that the coach, who prayed with his players and other students on the field, could legally do so under his First Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of religion, a decision with sweeping implications for the separation of church and state. Brown Jackson, replaces Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer who confirmed his retirement from the court on Thursday.  Jackson is scheduled to be sworn in during a ceremony at the court at noon today.   Congratulations to the Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson on making history as the first Black female Justice.

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