June3rd Declares It “Jemeni” Season On Debut Project

There’s a new voice shining in the R&B scene right now by the name of June 3rd. The Florida-born artist has been buzzing over the past six years since the debut of his single, “Thirsty.” Today, he delivers his official debut album, JEMINI. Playing off of the horoscope, the singer’s new follows his journey and the highs and the lows of his professional and personal life. 

JEMENI came together originally from my name being June3rd and everyone assuming that it’s my birthday and that I’m an actual Gemini. Then from there, JEMENI became much more than a title. It became a character and symbolic of a different side/personality of me. We all have those different sides to us. Throughout the album, you’ll hear a roller coaster of different emotions and mindsets that change throughout me being young and figuring out life and what I want out of it,” June said in a statement.

The project includes features from Rick Ross and FRIDAYY. Check it out below.