Hulk Hogan Launches CBD Brand

Hulk Hogan is one of the greatest WWE wrestlers of all time. Debuting as a wrestler in 1977, Hogan helped define the early years of the WWE’s brand. He first won the WWE belt in 1984 and would go on to win the belt five more times. He last held the title in 2002 at the age of 49.

Now, while professional wrestling is staged and not “real”, the physical toll very much is. Injuries are common, which makes the long careers of people like Hogan all the more impressive. But in a new interview, Hogan has revealed what helped him overcome the harder hits of his career. Furthermore, he indicated where his future is headed in that regard.

Hogan Credits CBD To Helping With Injuries

“I always joke about I didn’t get the memo that this stuff was ‘fake’ and after the 10 back surgery and two knees and two hips, it’s just a situation of you do get hurt out there all the time,” Hogan told TMZ. That led to him building a resistance to painkillers and instead turning to CBD. “It [CBD] definitely helped me because as I said the slow walk back from the prescription drugs ended with me downing the Tylenol and the Advil and Aleve’s and finally even that wasn’t working for me,” Hogan continued. “As I moved away from that and got into the CBD world, it really changed the game from my sleep to the inflammation, the way my wrists and my joints hurt, across the board, it helped me with my health.”

This has led to Hogan launching his own brand to help others find the solutions that worked for him. “When I saw what Ric and Mike were doing, I instantly wanted to get on the team because you use CBD for energy, for sleep, for fitness — it just made sense. It’s a logical extension of where I already was but this is the safe way to approach things instead of that wild card way of doctor’s prescription stuff. It just didn’t make sense anymore,” Hogan noted. Furthermore, Hogan revealed that the products would go beyond CBD and THC, and also utilize “functional mushrooms.”
