Frank Ocean Wipes IG Page Sparking Speculation About New Music

Frank Ocean deleted the entirety of his Instagram feed on Monday, sparking speculation that he may be gearing up to release new music soon. A new album from Ocean would be his first full-length project since 2016’s Blonde.

It’s also distinctly possible that he could be ready to introduce fans to a new project for his fashion and jewelry design brand Homer, or that he has nothing in the plans and wanted to give his Instagram page a makeover.

(Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Ocean has also been involved in talks with A24 to write and direct his debut feature film.

There is some credence to the theory that new music from Ocean isn’t far off, considering that he recently confirmed he spent the summer working in a studio in Malibu while speaking with Dr. James Fadiman on Blonded Radio for Apple Music.

“Forgive how, like, free associative this might feel,” he said at the time. “… I was working in Malibu this summer and I would go out, like, pretty late from the studio and there’s, like, a big population of coyotes in Malibu. And then when I would go outside I would see, like, all these bunnies running around and it reminded me of video games where you’re, like, a wizard or something. And you’re playing this role in this game and you’re running around and you have these little things to pick up and put in the pouch.”

Check out Ocean’s scrubbed Instagram page below, as caught by Complex.
