Diddy’s Case Could Be Harmed By Leaked Cassie Video, According To Ex-Prosecutor

Over the weekend a leaked video of Diddy became a lightning rod for reactions from the rap media at large. That’s because the clip showed hotel security camera footage of the rap mogul allegedly assaulting Cassie. It corroborated allegations that she first made in a lawsuit filed against the rap mogul last year. Though the suit was settled quickly, it became the first in a series of lawsuits filed alleging decades of bad behavior. The most notable was Lil Rod’s lawsuit filed in February which made some pretty outlandish claims related to some other celebs.

Much more pressing for Diddy himself though is the federal investigation into allegations of sex trafficking against him. It first became public knowledge back in March when the Feds raided two of his properties in Miami and LA. In response to the new video, TMZ recruited an expert in former federal prosecutor Katie Cherkasky. She discussed the implications of the new video on the investigation into the rapper by the federal government. While she clarified that it isn’t a “smoking gun” for the specific investigation he’s facing, it won’t do him any favors both in the public eye and in the still very much ongoing investigation. Check out everything she had to say below.

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Ex-Federal Prosecutor Discusses Leaked Diddy Video

The new video of Diddy has sparked numerous intense reactions from various figures in the rap world. Charlamagne The God didn’t mince words when he dismantled the rap mogul’s apology, calling it dishonest. Aubrey O’Day similarly held onto receipts of a previously pinned post on Diddy’s Instagram. His previous complete denial of the allegations before there was video evidence contrasts harshly with his apology.

What do you think of the ex-federal prosecutors claim that the video of Diddy allegedly assaulting Cassie won’t bury him, but is still a very bad look? What kind of consequences, if any, do you think he will face for all of the recent drama? Let us know in the comment section below.

Read More: Diddy’s Rape Accuser Was 16 At The Time Of Alleged Assault


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