Charles Barkley Gets Brutally Honest About Load Management

Charles Barkley is easily one of the most opinionated people out there in the basketball world. Overall, he is seen as one of those oldheads who will never respect the young generation. However, is a legend of the game of basketball, which means he has earned the right to have these sorts of opinions. Even if you don’t like him, you kind of have to admit that he is very entertaining. He and Shaq are a riot on TNT and we hope to hear their banter for years to come.

One of the topics that Barkley has been faced with as of late is none other than “Load Management.” Load Management is something that a lot of NBA critics have hated over the years. This is the process in which players take nights off as a way to save themselves for the playoffs. Although it is a fact of life in today’s game, a lot of people despise it. As you can imagine, the older generation is part of that hate train. Ultimately, they just want the players to give it their all for 82 games per season.

Charles Barkley Speaks

Today, Barkley made an appearance on First Take where he got to speak on this issue. This was part of a one-on-one conversation with Stephen A. Smith, and overall, it was quite interesting. Barkley got brutally honest about his thoughts on the matter and did not pull any punches. Overall, Chuck believes it is a matter of respect that players should have for the game and the fans. “You can’t make $30, $40, $50 million and then sit out games,” Barkley said. “I think it’s disrespectful to the game, I think it’s disrespectful to the fans.”

Load Management is one of those things that are absolutely not going to go away. Although commissioner Adam Silver has had to speak on it, we can still expect it to be a thing, moving forward. Whether you like that or not, simply does not matter to the league, its trainers, and its players. Give us your take on all of this, down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sports world.
