Earlier this week, Vince Staples announced the Limbo Beach Carnival in Long Beach to celebrate the release of his Z2 comic book, also called Limbo Beach. However, today, just one day from the event’s scheduled date, Vince informed fans via social media that the carnival and book signing has been postponed. According to the hometown hero, the response to his initial announcement was so overwhelming that the city asked him to find a different venue.
For what it’s worth… yeah, I can see that. El Dorado Park is absolutely gorgeous but crowd control could have been an utter nightmare. No one wants another artist-backed event to end in tragedy. Vince advised that, while he and his team work to make a “bigger and better” event to accommodate a larger space, anyone who purchased a book through the event’s Eventbrite page will be refunded immediately. Good thing I pre-ordered mine almost a year ago.
Limbo Beach is written by Vince along with industry vets Bryan Edward Hill (who’s worked on DC’s Batman & The Outsiders and Titans and editor Chris Robinson (Marvel’s Children Of The Atom). It’s illustrated by Buster Moody, who’s best known for Godzilla In Hell (come on, that just sounds rad) and IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one based on the most recent Nickelodeon series). Vince is also fresh off the release of his new album, Ramona Park Broke My Heart.