Boldy James & Real Bad Man Share “Killing Nothing”

Boldy James and Real Bad Man are back at it for round 2 with the release of Killing Nothing. The latest release serves as their follow-up to 2021’s Real Bad Boldy. This time around, they connect with Stove God Cooks, Rome Streetz, Crimeapple, and Knowledge The Pirate to bring the project to life.

“With the first album, Real Bad Boldy, we were just finding our rhythm.  Me and Real Bad Man were trying to catch a groove.  And now that we got our groove, this new one (Killing Nothing) is more focused, more concentrated, it’s a more conscious effect and a complete thought.  You know, more premeditated” Boldy James said in a statement.  “My other albums are NBA games, organized Basketball, and this record is like live at the Rucker.  I get to showcase my handles, and my long-range jumper, which I might not get to do all the time in organized ball.”

Check the project out below.