Black Fortune Shares “OSSHMOB” Project Ft. Fat Trel & More

The Maryland/DMV area has been always been a major hub for extraordinary talent in the rap game. Black Fortune is striving to make a mark in his own way, and is slowly accomplishing that with each release. The Landover, Maryland rapper made a formal introduction on 2018’s OsshRock (Deluxe) which was later followed up with OSSHLORD last year.

On Friday, the rapper returned with his latest body of work in the OSSH-universe. The rapper dropped off OSSHMOB, an 11-song project that includes a slew of appearances from artists like Fat Trel, MoneyMarr, Lil Dude, Goonew, Xan Man, and more. OSSHMOB also has an array of producers who contributed to it such as Dj Money, SloppeKid, and more.

Check Black Fortune’s new project OSSHMOB below.