Antonio Brown Rips Russell Wilson On Cam’ron & Mase’s “It Is What It Is”

Antonio Brown is known for being a character. He is someone who is not afraid to say his opinion, regardless of the circumstance. However, he has gotten into quite a bit of trouble as of late. Overall, some are concerned that he isn’t of a sound body and mind these days. Regardless, that has not stopped Cam’ron and Mase from recruiting him for It Is What It Is. Today, AB was on the show for the very first time, and as you can imagine, it was quite the ordeal as Brown was brutally honest about things.

One of the topics they touched on involved none other than Russell Wilson. Overall, Wilson has been one of the most disappointing players of the last year. Moreover, the Denver Broncos lost their first game of the season on Sunday by a score of 17-16 to the Las Vegas Raiders. Fans were not happy with the outcome, and AB had a lot to say about it. In the video clips seen below, Brown essentially said that the game has passed him by.

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Antonio Brown Gives His Thoughts

Brown had a lot more to say about Wilson and none of it was particularly nice. He had Cam’ron and Mase laughing the whole time, which is no surprise. Overall, Brown just feels like Wilson is no longer worth his contract. Moreover, he thinks the way the Broncos played yesterday showcases they don’t care about actually playing winning football. Instead, he said Russell is too short, and that he can’t actually play well anymore. It is all very harsh, especially since Wilson was someone who vouched for AB back in 2020.

Brown has trashed numerous quarterbacks over the years, including Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger. Needless to say, this should come as no surprise. Still, it probably hurts for Wilson to hear all of this. Let us know your thoughts on what AB had to say, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the NFL world. We will always keep you informed.

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