California City Approves Universal Income Plan to Transgender Non-Binary Residents

California City Approves Universal Income Plan to Transgender Non-Binary Residents

Palm Spring city council of California has recently approved $200,000 to two non-profit groups expected to design an income program to offer a universal basic income of $900 per month to transgender and non-binary residents.

The city council has stated that transgender and non-binary residents in the community are more likely to experience homelessness, unemployment, discrimination, and even assault.

Last week, the Palm Springs city council members unanimously voted to partner with DAP Health and Queer Works to begin the initiative. Initially, council members would not approve the $900,000 request DAP Health and Queer Works suggested to pay out to trans and non-binary residents. However, they have made mentioned possible expansion in the future.

“The $200,000 financial commitment is intended to support the application and design phase,” the report states. “This phase is expected to take approximately six months and will include drafting and submitting a proposal for additional state funding, raising additional funds needed as cash match for the project, community engagement and feedback and finalizing eligibility requirements.” 

“I specifically stated that I did not believe such programs could scale up to adequately respond to the over 37 million Americans living below the poverty line, the over 6 million Californians or the over 400,000 in the County of Riverside living below the poverty [line],” said the mayor of Palm Springs,  Lisa Middleton, who is transgender.

“Transgender Americans suffer extremely high rates of under and unemployment. Transgender Americans face enormous challenges living full and authentic lives,” she added. “Those challenges have increased substantially in the past few years as transgender children and their families have been targeted by extremist legislators and governors.”

Palm Spring’s new UBI program is a step towards all-inclusivity. What are your thoughts on starting the UBI program on a larger scale?

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