99 Neighbors Drop New Project “Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great”

99 Neighbors are a new rap crew emerging into the limelight. Hailing from Vermont, the six-piece collective have been bringing their own personal influences into their group’s work which merges hip-hop with elements of R&B and pop. This week, they slid through with their latest body of work, Wherever You’re Going I Hope It’s Great. The project arrives three years after they released Television and brings together sharp lyricism, excellent production, and smooth melodies.

“One of the turning points for us, me personally at least in the process of making (the new album) was surrendering to how chaotic everything could feel, playing into it as a strength instead of trying to over-control it,” Julian “Juju” Segar-Reid told the Burlington Free Press.

Check out 99 Neighbors new album below and sound off with your favorite tracks in the comment section.