Jimmy Butler Is Apparently Working On A Country Album But Is ‘Unlikely’ To Sing On It

jimmy butler
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Jimmy Butler‘s taste in music is all over the place. Everyone knows that the Texas native loves country music, he’s a big Taylor Swift fan, and as we learned during his appearance at media day before this season, he’s just like me. (i.e.: A guy in his 30s who still really likes the song “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic! at the Disco.)

All of this is to say that Butler, perhaps unsurprisingly, wants to pursue his love of music a little more seriously. And in a new piece by Claire de Lune in The Guardian, we learned that Butler is working on a country album, and that he’s already recorded 60 or so songs for the project. Now, this is Jimmy Butler we’re talking about here, so there are equal odds on “this never sees the light of day” and “he will drop it sometime in the next 20 minutes.” But one thing is for sure: If this album does ever get released for public consumption, we will probably not hear Butler sing on it, as he liked his role to something similar to DJ Khaled, who he loves.

“He’s a crazy talented individual,” Butler told de Lune. “To bring all these artists together and to have them be able to maintain the egos and be like, ‘Yo, look, this is what we’re trying to get done here,’ he’s mastered it. I freaking love DJ Khaled. ‘We are the best,’ as he would say.”

Hopefully all of this is trending towards a world where Butler opens a chain of coffee shops that only plays music he created, which sure seems like something he would do.