50 Cent Says He’s ‘Headed’ To Texas After The Governor Ended All Mask Mandates

When cities across the country began lockdowns last March, many average Americans were under the impression that things would go back to “normal” in just a few short weeks. But a year and 28 million confirmed cases later, the US is still struggling to contain the virus. While the vaccine rollout is going better than planned, states like Texas are fed up with restrictions. Going against the advice of nearly all medical professionals, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that the state would be lifting all lockdowns and restrictions put in place, including all mask mandates.

50 Cent is apparently happy about the news, and he’s ready to take advantage of the state’s reopening. 50 Cent shared a screenshot of the news on Instagram Tuesday night and expressed his wish to visit the state. “i’m headed to Texas f*ck this,” he wrote.

This isn’t the first time 50 Cent tried to skirt around mask rules. During Super Bowl weekend last month, 50 Cent threw a massive, maskless party indoors. The event was held at a private air hanger in St. Petersburg, FL, and Mayor Rick Kriseman wasn’t happy with the rapper’s blatant disregard for COVID restrictions. “This isn’t how we should be celebrating the Super Bowl. It’s not safe or smart. It’s stupid,” Mayor Kriseman wrote in response. “We’re going to take a very close look at this, and it may end up costing someone a lot more than 50 cent.”