LeBron James Comments On MLB Taking All-Star Game From Atlanta

Georgia is catching a lot of flack this week after the state implemented new voting laws that would act as a suppression for those looking to cast their ballots. During the Presidential and Senate elections in Georgia, the state saw record turnout and it led to a big win for the Democrats. Now, this progress is being impeded, and many are upset with the new legislation.

In fact, Major League Baseball is pulling their All-Star Game out of Atlanta as they feel like what Georgia is doing, is heinous. LeBron James, who now has ownership in the Boston Red Sox, agrees with the decision and took to Twitter with his thoughts.

Following the decision, the Atlanta Braves took to Twitter with a statement of their own, where they expressed disappointment in the league’s course of action.

“This was neither our decision, nor our recommendation and we are saddened that fans will not be able to see the event in our city,” the Braves statement said. “The Braves organization will continue to stress the importance of equal voting opportunities and we had hoped our city could use this event as a platform to enhance the discussion. Our city has always been known as a uniter in divided times and we will miss the opportunity to address issues that are important to our community.”

For now, voter rights continue to be a hot-button issue and it’s one that LeBron has committed a lot of time to. Having said that, it’s easy to see why LeBron is siding with MLB on this one.

LeBron James

Harry How/Getty Images