Ja Morant Speaks With Jalen Rose, Fans React

Ja Morant has been going through quite a bit as of late. Following an Instagram Live in which he flashed a gun, Morant was suspended from the league. Subsequently, he checked himself into a counseling program where he sought help for his behavior. Overall, it was a sad story to bear witness to as Ja has so much potential. You never want to see a young player go down this path, and Ja realized his actions were detrimental to himself and those around him.

Yesterday, it was revealed by Adam Silver that Morant would be retroactively suspended for eight games without pay. Moreover, he could return to the league on March 20th. In the midst of this, he sat down with Jalen Rose, where he cleared up some facts about the situation. For instance, he revealed whether or not the gun belonged to him. “The gun wasn’t mine. It’s not who I am,” Morant said. “I don’t condone any type of violence, but I’ve taken responsibility for my actions. But in the future, I’m going to show everybody who Ja really is, what I’m about, and change this narrative that everybody got.”

Ja Morant Speaks Up

Throughout the interview, Morant also touched on how he had been using these actions as an escape. Ultimately, Morant realized the error of his ways and decided to seek help. The Grizzlies superstar doesn’t want people to get the wrong idea about him. “I used that as an escape, which I shouldn’t have. I feel like that’s the reason I made many bad decisions in my past, which doesn’t pretty much describe me, doesn’t describe Ja as a person,” Morant said. “I’m a totally different person than what’s been shown in the media. That’s my job now. That’s why I took that time away, to become a better Ja, so everybody really can see who Ja really is and you know what he’s about.”

Now, fans are reacting to all of this, and there are a lot of mixed feelings. For instance, some believe this is just some sort of PR stunt that will help Morant in the short term. Moreover, there are other fans who do not believe anything Ja is saying. Overall, NBA Twitter can be pretty judgmental, and that is exactly what we are seeing right now. Whether or not Morant will be able to prove all of these naysayers wrong, remains to be seen.

Twitter Reacts

Ja Morant Will Be Able To Return To The NBA On This Date

Ja Morant has been through it over the last two weeks. However, this is due to his own actions. Ultimately, Morant found himself suspended from the league after he flashed a gun on Instagram Live. Overall it was a boneheaded move that immediately captured the attention of the NBA. That said, Morant has spent the last week and some change at a counseling program in Florida. He wanted to get his head right, and it was a step in the right direction.

Today, however, it was revealed that Morant would be leaving the program. Additionally, Morant met with Adam Silver who decided that Morant would be allowed to return to the court. Although, at the time of the initial report, there was no direct timeline for when he would be allowed to come back. That has since changed as the NBA and Silver released a statement today. Essentially, Morant was suspended retroactively for eight games. This means the NBA star can come back to the Grizzlies on March 20th.

Ja Morant Can Play Again

“Ja’s conduct was irresponsible, reckless and potentially very dangerous,” Silver said in the statement. “It also has serious consequences given his enormous following and influence, particularly among young fans who look up to him. He has expressed sincere contrition and remorse for his behavior. Ja has also made it clear to me that he has learned from this incident and he understands his obligations and responsibility to the Memphis Grizzlies and the broader NBA community extend well beyond his play on the court.” Subsequently, Morant will get to practice with his teammates. Furthermore, if he does come back on the 20th, it will be against the Dallas Mavericks.

If you are a Grizzlies fan, this is some fantastic news. Morant is the heart and soul of the team, and they need him for this upcoming playoff run. Hopefully, Ja was able to get his mind right so that he doesn’t make another mistake, in the future. Let us know what you think of the NBA’s latest decision, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the NBA world.

Ja Morant Leaves Counseling Program In Surprising Turn Of Events

Ja Morant has been the subject of numerous rumors and reports as of late. Over the past few months, Morant has been accused of threatening teenagers on multiple occasions. Overall, it has been a troubling pattern that got worse last weekend after he flashed a gun on Instagram Live. Morant was at a strip club at the time, which made the whole situation worse. Moreover, it came at a time when the reports around Morant were at their peak. Consequently, Morant was quickly suspended by the Grizzlies and the league.

Since that time, Morant has promised to work on himself. In fact, it was reported earlier this week that Morant would be going to a counseling program in Florida. Morant was applauded for this decision as it demonstrated a real desire to get better. However, it seems as though Ja Morant is already on his way out of the program. While details are sparse on the situation, Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN had the scoop just moments ago.

Ja Morant To Return?

“Grizzlies star Ja Morant met with NBA commissioner Adam Silver in New York today,” Wojnarowski said. “Morant has left a counseling program in Florida and moves closer to ramping up for return to season now.” Needless to say, it is very likely that Morant will get to partake in the postseason. This runs completely against what Marc J Spears reported yesterday. In his report, he said the situation seemed dire and that Morant would have to sit out the rest of the year. Overall, Grizzlies fans are probably very excited about what they are hearing right now.

Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how all of this develops. After all, Morant went through a very difficult time, and no one wants to see him go back to old habits. That said, it is good to see that Adam Silver believes Ja is ready to come back. Of course, it will now all depend on the NBA’s investigation into the star. However, it appears likely that he will be back on the floor sooner than originally believed. Stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates on this developing story.

Stephen A. Smith Reveals Why He Doesn’t Like Strip Clubs

Stephen A. Smith has been one of the most prominent voices when it comes to the sports world. Overall, he is so famous in the space because of his hilarious rants. Although you may not agree with all of his takes, there is no denying how entertaining he is. Every single morning, hundreds of thousands of sports fans tune into First Take to see what he may say. These rants typically go viral on social media, much to the delight of ESPN. However, he has also been going viral thanks to his new podcast, “Know Mercy.”

Over the past week or so, Stephen A. has been tasked with giving his opinion on the Ja Morant situation. At this point, it feels like Morant is in the news every single day. Moreover, with Morant’s strip club photos being leaked on the internet, the discourse around him has only ramped up. As for Smith, he finds the leaking of these images to be in poor taste. Additionally, while touching on the topic during an episode of “Know Mercy,” Smith revealed exactly why he doesn’t like strip clubs.

Stephen A. Explains His Preferences

“Now, I’m not one for strip clubs,” Smith began. “I’m a bit older in this day and age, and even when I was younger, I’ve never had a proclivity for strip clubs. I never liked the smell.” Of course, there are a lot of people out there who would disagree. Although, this is definitely a matter of personal preference. Strip clubs are not for everyone, and that is more than okay. However, for many throughout the NBA, the strip club is an essential part of every road trip.

When it comes to Ja Morant, however, it is clear that he probably won’t be frequenting these establishments again, anytime soon. As it stands, he is seeking help through a counseling program in Florida. He is trying to get his head right, as he cannot afford to lose his NBA career. Hopefully, he is able to improve himself and get back on track. Let us know what you thought of Stephen A.’s comments, down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more sports news.

LeBron James Makes Young Fan’s Year: Watch

LeBron James is one of the best players to ever step on an NBA court. In fact, depending on when you grew up, you may even call him the GOAT of basketball. Overall, he is one of the most accomplished individuals in the sport, and his longevity is out of this world. He has four NBA titles, numerous MVPs, and additionally, he has the NBA’s all-time scoring record. At this point, it is almost impossible to hate the guy. However, some fans still find the time to do so, because they have never won anything themselves.

As it stands, LeBron is out with an ankle injury. Although, this has not stopped him from going to Lakers games. His team is in the midst of trying to make the playoffs, and he has been supporting them wherever they go. For instance, last night, the Lakers took on the New Orleans Pelicans. Overall, they played an amazing game and ended up winning. Now, they are 10th in the Western Conference and are just one win away from jumping up to eighth.

LeBron James Is A Good Guy

As we mentioned, LeBron was in the stands for the game. In the clip above, he was even approached by a young fan who wanted an autograph. While most fans would want a jersey or poster signed, this fan had something better. They pulled up with a copy of LeBron’s “I Promise” children’s book. James was clearly impressed with the prop and signed it immediately. Moreover, it seems like he added a heartfelt message as he was writing for quite some time. It was a really nice gesture that was captured by the cameras courtside.

Overall, it is easy to see why James might be in a good mood these days. His team is playing great basketball, and they have the pieces to make a surprise run in the playoffs. LeBron James had been begging for better teammates, and now, it seems like he finally has them. Whether or not the Lakers are now able to capitalize, still remains to be seen. Stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the sports world.

Damian Lillard Reveals Why He Dislikes The Direction Of The NBA

Damian Lillard is one of the best guards in the entire NBA. In fact, many would say he is one of the best point guards ever. Overall, he was named to the NBA’s Top 75 team, which just goes to show that he is on track for the Hall of Fame. Although he has yet to win a title, he is still at the pinnacle of the sport. He has displayed incredible loyalty to the city of Portland, and that won’t change anytime soon. However, fans still get on his case for not having a ring.

One could attribute this to a new affliction in NBA discourse, simply called “ring culture.” This is the concept that nothing you do matters unless you win a title. Ultimately, it has become complete nonsense when you consider how amazing players are being completely discredited. Winning a title is not easy, however, NBA fans on Twitter think every player in the league should get a ring. It has become very silly, and Lillard spoke on this during an episode of JJ Redick’s podcast. Additionally, Lillard revealed how ring culture has him fearing the future of the NBA.

Damian Lillard Speaks

“I just don’t know if I can play a long, long time because I don’t enjoy what the NBA as a whole is becoming,” Lillard said. “While I understand we play to win championships—we all want to win the championship—we can’t keep acting like nothing matters. Like the rest of this stuff, the journey, doesn’t matter. We can’t keep doing that.” No matter how you feel about Lillard, he absolutely has a point. Ring culture has taken over NBA discourse, and now, 13-year-olds who hide behind Luol Deng profile pictures are telling legends that they are “scrubs.”

Hopefully, this trend changes very soon. NBA Twitter has been nauseating these days, and it is tough to see. Perhaps one could blame the Super Team era for this trend. Although, Super Teams are dying off, so maybe the trend will as well. As for Lillard, he is an amazing player who will be remembered for his contributions to Portland. Let us know what you think of his take, down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news from around the sports world.

Patrick Beverley Blames Music For The Ja Morant Situation

Patrick Beverley is one of the latest players to get their very own podcast. Beverley has had his podcast on Barstool Sports since the beginning of the season, and overall, it has been a decent success. Beverley is known for being one of the more entertaining players in the league, so a podcast just makes sense for him. Moreover, he is a polarizing figure, which means both fans and haters are always going to tune in. For Dave Portnoy, hiring Beverley was a no-brainer.

One of the biggest topics in the NBA right now involves none other than Ja Morant. Of course, Beverley has been tasked with speaking on this issue. Although he has never played with Morant, he can still speak to the situation. He has been around the NBA for over a decade, and he has some strong opinions on what could be going on here. During the latest episode of the Barstool Rundown, Beverley blamed the Morant situation on music.

Patrick Beverley Weighs In

“I think music has a lot to do with this now,” Beverley said. “… The culture now is ‘shoot them up, bang, bang, shoot them up, bend you over, I got this amount of money, I’m on private jets, that that that.’ That’s what the younger generation is. Sadly to say it shouldn’t be based on our music, but it is mostly based on what we listen to and that’s how it is.” Overall, this is a controversial statement to make. Blaming hip-hop for violence is a playbook that has been used since the 90s. However, many would disagree with the premise entirely. Regardless, that did not stop Beverley from voicing his opinion.

At this point, there really is no point trying to blame the Morant situation on one particular facet of life and culture. Now, Morant is getting help, and that is all that should matter. While his actions were clearly wrong, the only thing he can do now is rehabilitating himself and change for the better. Let us know what you think of Beverley’s comments, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from the sports world.

LeBron James Teases His Return To The Court

LeBron James has missed some action over the past couple of weeks. Of course, this is due to the fact that he has been dealing with an ankle injury. Overall, this is an injury that could have derailed the Lakers’ season. However, in the aftermath of this injury, the Lakers have actually been quite good. As it stands, they are in the play-in, which is great news for their fans. Once the play-in comes around, it will be anyone’s game, and the Lakers certainly have the pieces to shock a few people.

Regardless, everyone wants James to return before the playoffs. If this team has any chance of truly making a solid deep run, then they will need LeBron to be healthy. Unfortunately, James is now 38 years old which means he cannot heal as fast as he used to. Either way, there is a hope that he will at least return by the play-in. This is when James truly shines, and the Lakers feel like they can shock some of the teams at the top of the Western Conference standings.

LeBron Takes To The Gram

On Tuesday, LeBron decided to surprise some fans with a unique post on social media. In the Instagram image above, you can see LeBron in some sort of cryo-chamber with a mask on. This is an AI-generated image, and the caption is simply a king’s crown emoji and an hourglass emoji. Overall, it is hard to say what LeBron is truly trying to convey here. However, using context clues, you might be able to guess that he is healing up and trying to get back on the court. Unfortunately, an exact timeline for this still eludes us.

LeBron recently broke the NBA scoring record, and fans want to see him run his numbers up. Although, for LeBron, the goal right now is to make an improbable playoff run. After missing the playoffs last year, he wants to prove to people that he can lead a championship contender. Let us know what you think about all of this, in the comments down below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the basketball world.

Ja Morant Likely Out For The Season: Report

Ja Morant is currently in the midst of seeking some help. It is an unfortunate situation, however, it is good that Morant has taken this step. Morant opted to seek this help following a turbulent couple of weeks. This timeframe included numerous headlines that were not good for his image, or for the Memphis Grizzlies. Overall, Morant was accused of threatening teenagers on multiple occasions. Moreover, he flashed a gun while on Instagram Live, which pretty well spelled the end of this saga.

Since then, Morant has subsequently apologized for his action. Additionally, he has been suspended indefinitely by the NBA. Last night, it was revealed that Morant was seeking the aforementioned help. According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, this would be through a counseling service in Florida. The extent of this counseling is simply unknown. Fans have their theories, but the team nor Morant has offered any clarity. Now, reports are suggesting that this is a very personal matter that should be kept under wraps. Furthermore, it is likely that this will spell the end of Morant’s season.

Ja Morant Situation Unfolds

While speaking on The Hoop Collective, Marc J Spears gave a critical update on Morant. Based on his reporting, it all seems kind of somber. “There’s things I’m hearing that I’d rather probably not say on this podcast… My guess now is that he doesn’t play the rest of the season,” Speaks explained. Overall, this is a huge blow to the Grizzlies’ chances in the Western Conference. Without Morant on the team, they could very easily be a first-round out. Although, what is important is Morant’s physical and mental health right now.

This is a situation that could have gotten out of hand extremely fast, so it is good to see the Grizzlies and Ja getting a handle on it. Hopefully, Morant is able to get the help he needs. He is a phenomenal basketball player, and he deserves to feel at his best both on and off the court. Let us know what you think of this report, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for updates from around the sports world.

Ben Simmons Continues To Be A No-Show

Ben Simmons used to be an elite player in the NBA. However, things have gone south for him over the last couple of years. It mostly started in the 2021 playoffs when Simmons was awful against the Atlanta Hawks. Overall, the Sixers fanbase turned on him and it ruined his confidence. Subsequently, he held out from the Sixers and forced them to trade him. Last year, they made it happen as he was sent to the Brooklyn Nets. As we all know, he never played a single game with them until this season.

Although, it is not like Simmons was especially good in the games that he did play. Simmons was doing nothing on offense as he seemed scared to shoot the ball. While he did rack up assists, it was not what the Nets were expecting of him. Besides, it was all for nothing as Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving were promptly traded from the team. Now, Simmons is still with the Nets, but he hasn’t played in weeks. This is due to lingering back issues that have left Nets fans completely frustrated.

Where Is Ben Simmons?

Ben Simmons #10 of the Brooklyn Nets looks on during the first half at United Center on February 24, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

Recently, Brian Lewis of The New York Post asked Nets head coach Jacque Vaughn about Simmons. Essentially, fans should not expect to be back on the court, anytime soon. “Yeah, I think first of all I’ll just be pretty simple. He’s still managing his back and knee soreness,” Vaughn said. “He’s back home in Brooklyn. We’ll get a chance to kind of see where he’s at when we get back home after this trip.” Overall, this is just more of the same from Simmons. He is never healthy when his team needs him to be, and at this point, it is hard to imagine him ever being a star again.

There have been reports that Simmons’ trade value is completely cooked. No one is trying to acquire him as he would just be dead weight. It is a harsh reality that the Nets will now need to deal with. Stay tuned to HNHH for more news from the sports world. Additionally, let us know what you think of this, down in the comments below.
