Parents Angry With NYC Private School For Teaching 1st Graders Masturbation

Sex Education being taught within schools is generally understood as necessary to maintain the health and society of our next generation of leaders. Of course, debates about the type of content being taught to students and the age that the information is being presented to them is something hotly debated in parent circles

According to TMZ, a few parents at an upscale New York City private school are filled with rage after learning that their first-graders were being taught masturbation and were also told to not allow their parents or grandparents to touch them without consent. 

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

A teacher at The Dalton School allegedly showed students footage from the cartoon series AMAZE where a little boy asks a question about erections. “Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air.” The boy adds, “Sometimes I touch my penis because it feels good.” 

A little girl then chimes in, “Sometimes when I’m in my bath or when mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.” Check out the clip for yourself below. 

Some parents were not feeling the video, however, according to the New York Post, the real anger was triggered over the part of the lesson about consent. The students were reportedly taught not to allow their guardians to touch them without asking for their permission first. 

One mother told the Post“I’m paying $50,000 to these a-holes to tell my kid not to let her grandfather hug her when he sees her?” Another mother reasoned if she tried to fight back, she would subsequently be canceled. 

A spokesperson for the School said, “As part of Dalton’s comprehensive Health curriculum for students, a lesson on Gender & Bodies included two evidence-based and age-appropriate videos approved for students 4 years and older.These videos align with nationally recognized methodologies and standards. We consistently review our Health curriculum, making sure that the content is developmentally appropriate and, if necessary, we adapt our curriculum accordingly.”

Do you find the content appropriate for first-graders? Let us know down below. 
